
What I Listen To:

BlueCloud's Profile Page

Saturday, December 24, 2011

IIT and Chicago southside skyline

I was blessed to have this view of the Chicago skyline every day from birth till about 23 years old. This is the IIT campus, State Street right center looking north. Dearborn Homes is about 3 blocks north.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just chilling. Thinking about heading down to Chicago . Should I?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What am I doing?

I don't know SQUAT about keeping a blog.
Why does one create a blog? Is it vanity?
Is it the need to be noticed? This account is an experiment........
Wonder if anyone will ever read it.....?
Oh well.

I am sitting here at work. (yep)
Waiting for the phone to beep in my ear that I have another irate/dumb/personable customer on the line. The good customers are great, the assholes can (hold on, here comes one now).....
.........(3min later)....okay see that was one of the semi-dumb ones......she has internet service with ANOTHER carrier, wondering why her service isnt working. DUH, call the people who are providing your service.

So, this is what I do.
I talk to these people all day long.......and it is wearing on me..
To be continued.......